Striving for Straws

     After coming up for air from the cesspool that is Facebook these days, (seriously....I know some strange people), I have found a new annoyance to add to my ever growing list of things I believe are wrong with human beings aged 15-27 these days.

    I am more than a little put off with the constant idea that people need to be unapologetically selfish creatures in order to find their true happiness and be who they were supposed to be. My distaste came from an article I browsed about 5 mistakes you shouldn't apologize for making in your 20's. It was a general list detailing things like "Don't apologize for moving 17 times in 2 should always keep searching for the place that let's you be the best version of you." Look, if you are moving that often you are obviously doing something wrong. My guess is gaining a bad reputation. But hey..I could be wrong.

     I think a lot of people buy into the delusion that if you just keep searching eventually you are going to find that one thing you are meant to do...and not put in annnnyyyy work to get there. All you have to do is change your city, your identity, your likes/dislikes, your friends, your "family", everything about yourself. And if you do will make sense. Just keep wishing upon that star you single, parentaly rich, white, 20 something.


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