An Open Letter to Average Sized People or Think Before you Speak

I like to have a lot of fun at my own expense, but I come before you today to talk to you about a very serious topic.

Please stop referencing my height as the opening of every conversation.

I understand I am tall. I am 100% fully aware of this fact. heck, to some people I may be the tallest human being they have ever seen in real life. But that does not mean that I like to have it brought up to me at every turn of a wal-mart aisle. In fact, I would be willing to bet, that no one over six feet likes to have their height referenced every day of their lives. You make it uncomfortable for all of us.

I guarantee you that no tall person really knows exactly how to respond when someone comes at them with a height comment. It is always, always just an uncomfortable smile and a false sense of appreciation. And then inevitably they ask if we play basketball. If I seriously played basketball at my age, why would I be in a food lion in Lynchburg, Va at 11pm on a Friday? If logic too much for the average cashier or fellow beer aisle patron? Are people really that excited to meet an NBA player? I'll be honest, for the NBA I am not that tall. I am a point guard or small forward. If you don't know what that means, it means you have bad assumptions about my height carrying me in the NBA.

This is a physical property I have, that I cannot change, and people always assume a profession on it. Which is a weird thing to do in my opinion. I suppose people assume that height is a positive attribute so they don't mind assuming, but I have never seen anyone ever do that to short people. Are they horse jockeys? Professional gymnasts? Does anyone ever question the double amputee? Are they manequins at Macy's during polo season? Does anyone ever ask the guy with the neck tattoo if he has any Meth? No.

So from a tall person to the rest of the populace. Please. Think. Not even once. This is your brain on drugs. Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming.

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